Innovating Mitochondrial Protection Against Neurodegeneration
Revolutionizing healthcare with cutting-edge biotech solutions, X-tosis is dedicated to advancing human health through groundbreaking research and development.

Targeted Approach
Focusing on mitochondrial dysfunction, X-tosis's XTS compounds targets and halts disease progression by disrupting VDAC1 oligomerization.

Efficacy Demonstrated
Proven efficacy in various diseases like Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, X-tosis's XTS compounds showcases promising results in preclinical studies.

Disease Prevention
With 18 diseases linked to VDAC1 overexpression, X-Tosis's XTS compounds offers a preventive and therapeutic approach, reshaping the future of healthcare.
Proposed mechanism of action

Our lead candidates targets mitochondrial dysfunction, a critical factor in neurodegenerative diseases. XTS compounds inhibits the oligomerization of VDAC1, a mitochondrial protein whose aggregation is linked to cell death and inflammation, accelerating conditions like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
By blocking VDAC1 oligomerization, XTS compounds restore mitochondrial function, reducing neuronal death and mitigating inflammation. This novel mechanism of action helps safeguard neuronal health and interrupts disease progression triggered by amyloid-beta.
With over two decades of foundational research and validation by independent groups, XTS compounds represents a promising shift from symptom management to disease modification, aiming to significantly improve patients' quality of life.
Pre-clinical Alzheimer Findings for XTS001
Improved Learning and Memory
Reduced Neuronal Loss
Improved Mitochondrial Function

Reduced Amyloid-Beta Burden
Reduced Neuroinflammation
Shifted Glial Cells Morphology to Neuroprotective